MaryMakingTX Works

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[vc_dropcap letter=”R” extra_class=””]ecently, I worked with Bonnie Lang on her marketing. We discussed her goals and ambitions, and then got straight to work! I offered her advice on how to spruce up her website and helped her develop a one page piece that will assist her EPK (electronic press kit). Bonnie performs many live shows and several albums out. You can find her performing around San Antonio/the Hilly Country, and she’s very active on her social media channels.

After discussing the goals for the project, I assisted Bonnie in some copy writing and editing. She had some language provided on her website, which I then updated and embellished on. Before I knew it, Bonnie picked out the copy she liked, and even has a new tagline!

Collaboration and marketing focus groups amongst peers is always a great way to flesh out great new ideas. Bonnie now has some great copy she can use in any project she moves forward with, which will help to establish her branding. In this project, we also designed a one-page marketing page that she can leave with potential booking agents, live venues, and other connections in the music industry. We developed a digital PDF that contains links to her website, email, an easy way for someone to call if viewing on a mobile device, and hyperlinks on the front to each of her eight social media channels (including a spotify channel!). Readers immediately get an idea of her music style, what she can offer, many ways to get in touch with her – and most importantly – her stage presence, and cheery personality.