Goals for the Fall 2010 Semester:
1. Survive
2. Not gain a whole bunch of weight from being in several different places at once
Well I am back in school. It’s way complicated this time. I got accepted into the Master of Computer Science program with conditions, right? Guess what those conditions are. I need to take a handful of back-up classes so that I know what I’m actually doing when it comes grad school time. Bonus? I get two degrees and not just one. Okay, well, one will be a certification (that I can use to ease into the IT industry sooner than expected!), but still. I like lots of stuff on my wall. I can put it next to my webmaster certificate!
Kicking myself now for being stuck with all those student underclassman ag credits. Ohhhh, Ag Journalism, it’s just like the real Journalism, but in the school of Aaagggg! (Okay, at the time I thought I knew what I was doing.)
Let me tell you something about Texas State students. THEY ARE SO SPOILED. Those were the SHORTEST walks to class, EVER! I always had to walk at least half an hour between classes, to work, to my car, etc. at Texas A&M. But – I never had to do it in work clothes, previously. That’s the difference there. Oh, and I wasn’t forced to commute from about 40 minutes away. Luckily, Carissa is a lifesaver and doesn’t realize that fate put her in Lockhart so that I could crash at her place between when my class gets out at 6:30 and when I have to show up for lab at 8 the next day (Seriously? Jersey Shore and the stars lined up for this to happen), which helps me a little bit in gas.
So I get to class. I’m like the only person who’s not wearing a tshirt and jeans, I’m carrying a laptop bag and stunned to find out that undergrads today STILL rely on good ‘ol spiral and pen. Lucky me. Yes, I stick out like a sore thumb.
Luckily, since I have been sick this week and it’s left me a bit drained; it’s silly-bus week, so half the class is donated towards that. Halfway through the silly-bus, a kid raises his hand from the back row to ask our doctorate professor, er, comment, “Hey, uh, I didn’t get your name.”
That seals it.
I am officially at Texas State.
This is what all those rumors were about.
I think if someone did that at A&M they’d be cast against the academic building and thrown stones at, while having to sing “I LOVE MY PROFESSORS AND WON’T DO THIS AGAIN! I DON’T LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, OR INTERRUPT FOR IDIOCY!”
The rest of the class goes as scheduled. Some girl, obviously never having worked a day in her life, I feel kind of sizes me up. Whatever. Oh, and I learned what a joule was. Apparently that’s how much energy you need to raise your hand.
Whatever, this is Computer Science. Not physics.
On the way to Lockhart I almost run over two fatties because they are riding two-deep in a driving lane on their bicycles. The chick’s ass crack is hanging out.
1. The access road is NOT for regular bicycles without motors
2. You clearly do not know how to properly work that bicycle or you would not be floundering all over this road like a drunken elephant
3. You are NOT going to be able to drive up to 50 mph on that thing, as the speed limits on this access road suggest. Please move it out of my way.
Drive to Carissa’s, drink wine, buy her TI 84 for a check and a bottle of wine for my calculus class this semester. She totally goes into reminiscent mode for awhile we she programs girly, pretty graphs into it.
Commence watching of Jersey Shore. Pass out. Drive back to school. Hippie, grad student, pony-tail, unlike Kevin Nealon’s character in “Grandma’s Boy” shows up late to get the key to instruct the class. I tweet “Okay guy if I have to commute to get here, you should be able to drag your hippie self up to class on time” at the same time that Texas State University starts to follow me on twitter.
I didn’t mean it. I’ll delete it as soon as I get to a computer.
Lab goes on for about an hour. Thankfully I’m sitting next to a junior. Yes, I know this is probably an underclass. Whatever. I’m not turning back now.
Look out, 24 hours into class time, two classes down, and I’ve totally managed not the be that Korean kid!