Geeky For Gaga: Lady Gaga Went to Geek Camp: “I knew from day one that Lady Gaga was a geek. Not only is she the creative director for Polaroid, but she’s the queen of Facebook, had the most-watched video on YouTube, and can be seen rocking the latest headphones, laptops, and embedding her geek cred in her music videos. She even wore a vintage telephone on her head during an interview in the UK! But now that I know Lady Gaga attended the same geek camp as Mark Zuckerberg and Google’s Sergey Brin, I can sleep well knowing my intuition was correct.
The camp, called the Center for Talented Youth, is aimed at gifted students and teaches everything from math, science, robot building, and a course called ‘Zombies and Vampires.’ Lady Gaga attended for three weeks before she became the hottest thing since sliced bread. Zombies and Vampires? No wonder her videos sometimes stray onto the creepy side! “