There’s so much to do… Planning events for the family, planning get togethers with friends, being overloaded at work with huge projects and job transitions, trying to make sure everyone has everything. Eating too much. Cooking too much. Trying to get everything done on one of those stupid timelines. AND THEN, you have to throw BOYS into the mix. Ugh. Half your coworkers are sick and are probably getting you sick. Oh, have I mentioned I’ve been battling a sprain and a medical boot since Thanksgiving? AND LISTS. MY GOD, THE LISTS. The to-do lists, the to-buy lists, the endless, endless tasks that need doing. If I could figure out how not to sleep this month, I think I could get it all done.
And now that I’m older, I do the following things: I plan. I prepare. I make the lists. I scratch off the lists in a vain effort to get everything done, and a pathetic attempt to get organized in my time management for all I have to do. I plan to cook. I cook. I host. I spend hours on details that no one will remember. I clean up after everyone leaves. I think about what in the world I am going to do the next day. Exhausted, I lay down on a Saturday afternoon (6 p.m.) and stay there until the next day (5 a.m.)
And why is this the only time of year that Bod commercials are out? I mean, the product is absolute shit. Maybe people forget how bad they are over the 11 months they don’t see the commercials. Not to mention all these commercials that CONSTANTLY scream the latest trends and remind me of how little money I have. The damn commercials that push materialism – and I don’t even have time to sit down and watch the shows that are AGAINST materialism, such as my favorite, “Merry Christmas Charlie Brown”, or how “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” reminds us to count our blessings, i.e. our friends, family, blessings, etc.
How the hell am I supposed to do all this with kids in the picture?!