Andre: i’ve had 15 new people follow me as a result of only RSVP’ing to that tweetup last week
mind you, i attended for ten minutes
and only for free chicken tenders
and had to answer a barrage of questions about doug funny to get through the door since i was id-less
Andre: dead serious
Mer: tell me more
Andre: he was like, on the cartoon doug what was his girlfriend’s name?
Mer: uh they didnt officially date
patty mayonaise
Andre: me, non-challantly and thinking, easiest trivia question ever, SCORE!: patty mayonaise
next question: what was his dog and best friend’s name
SWEET! I’m in this bitch
pork chop and skeeter
Mer: BUT…. was porkchop his best friend
they could have been trying to trick you
Andre: next: name one of the fraggles
me: red
wait… scooter?
Andre: since i never watched that
pretty sure it was skeeter
then he asked me about he-man’s tiger
what was its name
i couldnt remember, but i remember its colors
i remember it in brazil
but it couldn’t be the translated name
long story short, my doug funny knowledge was enough to get me through the door
Mer: i would have pwned
Andre: though the party inside was quite lame
Mer: aw really
when was this… thursday?
Andre: yeah, abbey and i were only there for like ten minutes
and all we did was eat free chicken tenders
me: nice