Today, I had an excellent performance review at work. I’m full speed ahead to the job I really want, and I’m transitioning into a more focused position that is geared towards internal technological communications, web publishing/authoring/maintenance, and, get this, social networking. Yup, you read that right. Pending my business plan pitch to corporate next week runs with flying colors. [Keep your fingers crossed!]
Oh. Did I mention on one of my ratings I recieved probably one of the only “Outstandings” in our department?
So many accomplishments in the past year… I may not have my Master’s by the time I’m 30, but I’ll most likely have three focused, expert certifications and another Bachelor. Ugh. I just wish I could decide what I want to get my Master’s in…
How do I celebrate?
I buy new curtains for my bedroom and I treat myself to whatever dinner I want tonight. Wine will have to wait for tomorrow night. Hoo-rah!