I am writing to point out a blatant misdirection in one of your products.
H-E-B Light Smoothie, ACTIVE.
Just so you know, young, health-minded women are looking to remain active and healthy. This means that I will be drawn to a product that says “light” and “active” on it, as I assume from “light” and “active” that it is “looking out for my calorie count” and will be “supportive of me being active”. Upon closer inspection, there is no Vitamin B or rehydrating elements. However, there IS the fine print of “CULTURES” written ever-so-teenily on the bottle. So, actually, your product is called
Thanks alot into tricking me that this is helping my run. Actually, all it’s doing is balancing m digestive system. I mean, I guess that’s a good thing. I guess it’s also a good thing I haven’t been drinking these back-to-back for a couple of days. Where would I be then?
Please try to be more careful in the future.