Mer: “Hey [Insert name of older Coworker here]!”
Lady: “Hi there! Did you have a good Christmas?”
Mer: “I DID! how about you?”
Lady: “Wow, you sound happy – you get engaged or something?”
Mer: “Nope, just had a great Christmas with my family. I figure I should start off slow and get one of those boyfriend things first.”
[No one here needs to know anything about my love life. Sorry.]
Lady: “Well, I’m sure there’s someone waiting for you out there.”
[As if Christmas with my family isn’t good enough. I now need a man to validate Christmas. Not to mention this is the third time today someone has referenced my love interest. I don’t get it.]
Mer: “Well, I’m having a lot of fun running them off, I guess”
[I figure it’s just best to not let my coworkers in on my love life.]
Lady: “Why’s that?”
Mer: [shrug] “Guess I’m too smart for them”
Lady: [Laughs] “Oh girl you have got to start playing dumb to get a man.”
Mer: “Why should I play dumb? If I do that, they’re just going to get mad when I start acting all smart again.”
Awkward silence.
I will never understand people.