Um, because people allow THIS kind of shit to happen. There are some amazingly talented singers out who will never get the chance to sing in a real recording studio with professionals because they don’t meet the American standard of superstar image. We’ve allowed ourselves to put our dollar votes towards auto-tuned people who look the part, and this is what happens. Some woman off one of the “The Real Housewives of…” series thinks she has what it takes to be a singer…
Don’t get me wrong. I totally agree with the lyrics. I appreciate chivalry and I should be treated like a lady when I go out with someone. I also believe they should show both myself and humankind a little decency and class… But this song is just all kinds of wrong!
Perez Hilton says it best… It’s as if Auto Tune became a cognizant, free-thinking entity and unleashed on this track!
Click here for full article and to listen to “Money Can’t Buy You Class” by “Countess Luann”