Write and bitch about THIS! Calif. lawmakers back food stamps for drug felons May 13 02:59 PM US/EasternBy CATHY BUSSEWITZAssociated Press Writer SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) – California’s state Assembly has approved a bill that would allow drug felons to collect food stamps. Under the federally funded program, people convicted of drug felonies are banned from…
The Traveling Tweets
I sent these tweets as a result of opting out of the usual cab fare from the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City to the airport that was supposed to be half an hour away. I think it ended up being closer to an hour. These are my tweets. Try to keep up. [Our airport…
Kansas City: I’m Still Here
Well, well, well, what has this little business adventure taken me to? Well, I’ve seen a lot of this, because it’s been raining terribly. Things I’ve noticed about KC (Kansas City): They use this abbreviation a lot. I equate it to fried chicken. That annoys me. This hotel seriously has like one extra outlet per…
Funny :)
First off, I’d like to say I’m shocked that the Seattle Times is so stringent on white collar workers. Really? Austin is more accepting than you people?
Office Platoon
The following video was presented to us in a Web 2.0 Presentation on how to convince IT and Communications departments to live together harmoniously when it comes to developing a business plan. Basically, one of the first steps in reaching out is to empathize with their position and realize what they are up against as…
Hehe :)
Cheryl: OMG I HATE MY FAMILY RIGHT NOW my GRANDMOTHER send me a fb message Mer: AHHHAHAHAHAHAHA Cheryl: who im not even friends with “have you gained weight? watch the potatoes”
Run Rant #22
Kansas City! Two obstacles in my way: 1. They make you pay $5 to visit the gym (WTF)2. I’m in a strange city and the 5K suggested on WalkJogRun is really confusing, and has a very high probability that I’ll get lost So I’m walking around my hotel room, searching for an answer and talking…
Cupcakes for your Compy: Mac Cupcake Icons
Cupcakes for your Compy: Mac Cupcake Icons: “Why should Mac users have boring icons when they could have cupcakes on their desktop instead? You can find these sweet icons (Cupcake 1.0) at the Apple website. Thanks to ATC Reader Ashley for the compy cupcake tip :)”
Cupcakes… Sweet music to my ears! Something Daisy might like…
Kansas City: Single in the City
Earlier the instructor asked if anyone in the lecture was single. “Who’s single?” I’m, I think, the only person who raises my hand. I raised my hand. Absolute fail. He walks across the room and makes an example out of a young guy who “Let’s pretend you’re single.” Oh, then they make fun of him…
Kansas City: It Begins
Snooze. Screw it. The workout room will be there at 4. Reset alarm. Snooze. Having a lot of trouble sleeping starting about last Thursday. Ridiculous, since I took my running shoes out for three miles that day. And was offered a job interview. And was asked out on a date. And frustrated and behind on…
New Favorite Jam ;) (NSFW)
Okay, trying this again. And this audio only version is safe for work, unless someone is standing around using their imagination. (also, I’m aware that Felicia sounds like fellatio. Very creative, I think… )
Gak Recipe Ingredients:– 1 cup Elmer’s glue– food coloring, your choice of color (optional: coloring can stain!)– 1 cup liquid starch Pour glue and coloring in plastic container. Stir until color is thoroughly mixed in. Add starch a little at a time, stirring with a spoon or kneading with your fingers as mixture thickens. Keep…
Best “Out of Office” Automatic Replies
Best “Out of Office” Automatic Replies Published by Dave Email inefficiency is probably a major contributor to the technology Stress that some of us experience. My business partner and I have often joked, sometimes seriously, about clever auto-responders to help filter the daily load. Here’s a couple of funny ones that I, ironically, got in…
Forget Viagra, scientists develop what women REALLY want … a spray to make their men cuddle more By Allan Hall and Fiona Macrae Wish your husband or boyfriend would show his caring side more often? Scientists could have the answer to your prayers – and it’s a lot simpler than you might think. They have…
Great song, interesting delivery.
Dear MTV: Please stop showing this at 4 a.m. – I will wake up and have nightmares from the visuals. Dear Florence + the Machine: I’ve spent a long time listening to artists like Tori Amos and Tool, and for some reason, none of them creep me out as much as your video does. I’m…
Thanks a lot, legal team.
Email to Me: Good day, We’ve open vacancies at our branch offices in USA and in Europe. You can find all necessary information about positions at our web-site. Application forms are also available there. All the applicants have a possibility to get free training. If you are motivated, honest and tallanted, we’d like to offer…
Run Rant #21
How to Run Past 5 Common RoadblocksBy Beth DreherRunner’s World As much as you may love to run, there are still days when simply tying your shoes requires a marathon effort. Morning runners groan when the alarm buzzes; midday runners battle full in-boxes and growling stomachs; evening runners struggle to find energy after a long…
So from May 9th to May 13th I get to travel to Kansas City, Missouri for work. Here’s where I get to stay. So far that week I have to listen to people talk all day, catch up on my work in the evening, run in the morning for the relay that weekend, and study…
Dear H-E-B:
I am writing to point out a blatant misdirection in one of your products. H-E-B Light Smoothie, ACTIVE. Just so you know, young, health-minded women are looking to remain active and healthy. This means that I will be drawn to a product that says “light” and “active” on it, as I assume from “light” and…
Run Rant #20
“You either ran today or you didn’t” Shit, I haven’t been running very well. Off to the track I go. Fail: Rolling my ankle on the way to my car Fail: Not running in about two or three weeks equals your Nike + iPod breaking up and having to find each other again. Fail: Not…
My dad would have kicked my ass if I had wasted m college years on this… I mean, come on, Journalism is kind of a bust, but… Read on for an unfairly edited article, and link at the bottom. Known as The Great Jordini to some, Jordan Goldklang is a senior from the San Francisco…
One of the Reasons Other Countries Hate Us…
Um, because people allow THIS kind of shit to happen. There are some amazingly talented singers out who will never get the chance to sing in a real recording studio with professionals because they don’t meet the American standard of superstar image. We’ve allowed ourselves to put our dollar votes towards auto-tuned people who look…
Okay, so a miracle from a point of misdirection. Sunday morning I was happily cooking some omelet action and waffles for some of my friends. Not knowing who was going to want waffles or omelets, I decided to just cook a large amount of both. So I was watching my 4 or 5 egg omelet…
Social Media Reshapes Journalism
So the following article gives me mixed feelings: Does this mean my degree is useless, given that my education in journalism is pre-social media and now completely dated, or am I on the launching pad for an amazing career in a newly developed communications world? Thank goodness I’m an early adopter when it comes to…
The little facebook status that wouldn’t
Mer is choosing Aladdin over Celebrity Rehab AND The Hills FTW. Mer wants to thank Disney movies for giving me incredibly unrealistic expectations for first dates.
Carissa Vs. Life
Mer:i love when my hs classmates who have dual degrees from Texas A&M have a child out of wedlock with a mexican 5 years younger than them, have to quit their great job to live in a trailer as a result, and then preach about how wonderful my life would be if i just let…
Joke for the Day
I recently asked my friends’ little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, ‘If you were President what would be the first thing you would do? ‘ She replied, ‘I’d…
Thoughts for the Day
“What the hell is your problem, Christie? Why the hell are you always such a nasty bitch? I mean, okay, so Michele and I did make up some stupid lie! We only did it because we wanted you to treat us like human beings. But you know what I realized? I don’t care if you…