Florida Highway Patrol troopers say a two-vehicle crash Tuesday at Mile Marker 21 on Cudjoe Key was caused by a 37-year-old woman driver who was shaving her bikini area while her ex-husband took the wheel from the passenger seat. “She said she was meeting her boyfriend in Key West and wanted to be ready for…
OMG Duck.
Mer: I got fun flirty texts on my way to work today!Duck: What app is that?Mer: …wow or I really could have gotten some flirty texts
Epic Terrible Love Letter
Courtesy of passiveaggressivenotes.com …I present you with this epic love story (which Teddie in Minneapolis discovered pinned to the bulletin board in his apartment building). Teddie’s love note to this love note: “I love that this person (he? she?) used commas, ellipses, and possibly a semicolon, but no periods. I also love how the all-caps…
Aaaaand People are Stupid.
Best Fails of 2009 – watch more funny videos Pure epicness:The 1:44 markThe 2:07 markThe 3:50 markThe 5:04 mark
On-Time Reactions During the Superbowl
[Upon seeing that Jake is not going to pick Tenley and is about to give the “I don’t love you” speech] Cheryl: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooMer: God.Cheryl: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooMer: Fucking. Damnit.Cheryl: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooi kinda knew and im still so so SADnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [Jake begins to cry] Mer: uh ohCRY YOU ASSHOLE [Tenley pours her heart out about being thankful for the…
Where are the Hilarious, Creative Pranksters that I Totally Need to Meet?
Chatroulette Shennanigans
Run Rant #10
I hurt. I ache. 5 Hour Energys and Advil are Godsends. I pushed myself rather hard yesterday afternoon, shaving another minute off my “how many minutes does it take me to run a mile” speed. I’m now running twice the length I was three weeks ago. I would like to thank my new running track…
Run Rant
I guess I shouldn’t be running outside in inclement weather. Eff.
Run Rant #9
I have yet to tell my tale of running Saturday morning. I promised myself that, despite my travels to Houston this weekend to tear it up with some of my favoritist girls, I was still going to run. My hostess had a handle of vodka waiting for us. On top of the three or four…
Damn. And Canaydia Redeems.
Team Canada’s Legally Blind Cross-Country Skiier
Aww, Look How Cute Him Is! :)
National Geographic Traveler contributing editor Andrew Evans snapped this photo of a rare black penguin during his travels around the world to Antarctica. He wrote that it’s a “rare melanistic trait that’s practically undocumented” on king penguins.
2010 Friend Survey
Got this is an email from MJ. Good time filler. 1. What time did you get up this morning? 5:50. Er, slept in ’till 6:10. 2. Diamonds or pearls? PEARLS! But maybe several diamonds 😉 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Had I not been so busy, it would have…
Just Another Entry.
March is the last of the last of my webmaster classes and creating my Capstone project for a family friend. WHEW! That’s finally over. Webmaster Certification with an emphasis in Sytem and Application Programming… Yes, on my way to nerdiness. March is me running more than I ever have before – both structurally and distantly…
Contributing Evidence to the Nerdiness of Mer
I have secured a ticket to the Austin American Statesman’s Texas Social Media Awards and have convinced a friend to go with me. It’s free, it would benefit both our jobs, and it’s a reason to get out in downtown Austin 🙂 Can’t hurt, considering I’m a front leader in being the social media guru…
Run Rant #8
Running tonight was so awesome! I began the night warming up listening to “On to the Next” (that new JayZ song?) (Yes, I am just as surprised as you) and “Streetcorner Symphony” by Rob Thomas, and I was just overall in a good mood. Tonight was also an upper in my total minutes run, so…
And I Have Found My Easter Project!!
Sweet Peep-tato Pie
Funniest Thing You’ll See All Day
The Bacon and Chicken Narwhal (the f&*%$in’ Unicorn of the Sea) Recipe as follows…
HIlarious or Genius?
Howard Stern has organized an official Tiger Woods Mistress Beauty Pageant – complete with categories such as “Swimsuit,” “Personality,” and “Talent” and a $100,000 prize supplied by a ‘discreet dating service’ called AshleyMadison.com (you know, that adultery dating website?) So far four of the 13 elegant ladies have agreed to be a part of the…
Aaaand Motivation to Stop Running
Woman says Love Handles Saved Her Life
…And I’ve Been Redeemed from Robot Status!
Your result for The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test… Modern, Cool Nerd 65 % Nerd, 52% Geek, 35% Dork For The Record: A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia. A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one. A Dork is someone…
Well… At Least I’m not Arrogant…
Your result for The Personality Defect Test… Robot You are 86% Rational, 43% Extroverted, 43% Brutal, and 29% Arrogant. You are the Robot! You are characterized by your rationality. In fact, this is really ALL you are characterized by. Like a cold, heartless machine, you are so logical and unemotional that you scarcely seem human….
Nerds Everywhere Reallocate their Telescopes from Neighbor’s Upstairs Window
This astonishing photo had stargazers thinking they had seen Darth Vader’s Death Star. The amazing picture — which was beamed back to Earth from outer space — bares a striking resemblance to Vader’s fearsome planet-shaped headquarters in the Star Wars trilogy. But in fact the black and white image is a spectacular snap of one…
Quote of the Day
“Why is it… You have to have a license to fish, but anyone can be a parent.” – Carissa
Run Rant #7
Aaaaand I’ve found my motivation today, compliments of www.peopleofwalmart.com
Mary: WOW I didn’t realize they sold Master’s degrees at WAL MART now!Daisy: I think they are on sale this week!
Drink.Drink.Drink.Refill.New glass.“Are we Julie?”Drink. Random vitamins.Drink.Bitch about work.Drink.Drink.Refills.Menu.Drink.Bobby Billiards.Laugh.Drink.Eat.Bitch.Drink.Bitch.Bitch.Bitch.Social lubricant.Drink.Check.Walk.Blue chair.Oil Can Harry’s.Drink.Drink.Catherine McPherson.Drink.Drink.Olive.Drink.“Tittys are great.I have no idea what to do with them in the bedroom but they’re great.”Wild cherry.Misbehaving cherry.Drink.Drink.Gtalk.Drink.Drink.Crazy bathroom.Neon pee.Drink.Drink.South Congress.Crazy baby shirts.Doc’s.Drink.Pills.Drink.Dip.Drink.Drink.Shuffleboard.
Run Rant #6
Today’s Mantra: “Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?’” Peter Maher I really want to be a wimp today, because I will undoubtedly top out the week at working almost 70 hours….