Breaking Dawn Screenwriter Reveals How She’s Going To Handle The Book’s More, Ahem, Unusual Sequences.: “Are you serious? We’re going to have to sit through two full movies of this mess and we’re not even going to get an R-rated version of RPatz eating that sparkly vampire hatching out of a half-dead Stewie Puss Puss?!Devastation!
Ever since the release of Stephenie Meyer‘s concluding novel in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn, Twi-Hards all over the world have been speculating about how the hell they’re going to adapt MANY of the unnecessarily long, poorly plotted and ‘what the fuck’ moments of the shiteous book onto screen!Melissa Rosenberg, the poor screenwriter who has taken on the impossible task of trying to make the books into comprehensible, tolerable films, recently talked about the notorious ‘birthing’ sequence and how she’s going to approach it for the movie!
She says:On the fan site, on Facebook, all the comments are “It has to be R rated! You have to show the childbirth! Gore and guts and sex!” For me it’s actually more interesting to not see it. You know, you can do childbirth without seeing childbirth … it doesn’t mean it’s any less evocative of an experience.Boo! It’s bad enough that the book is ridiculous, but we think the only way to make it work as a movie is to camp it up and embrace its ridiculousness!She gives BIRTH to a vampire baby, people! He eats the effing infant OUT OF HER! You mean to tell us that you’re going to try to make it a nuanced, dramatic scene??That’s even more BARF-worthy than eating vampire babies out of steel placentas.
” (From Perez Hilton)